6/22/2021: traded nightowl12 for logical16 with Lex. (1) 6/22/2021: traded mosin-nagant03, railgunuser02 for goddess08, goddess15 with Jiyu. (2-3) 6/22/2021: traded mypast15 for cantus20 with Pia. (4) 6/23/2021: traded agedout09 for emptylog11 with Lenga. (5) 6/24/2021: traded fulcrum06 for east19 with Jiyu. (6) 6/24/2021: traded killme01, sairaag17, chimchar11 for waitress06, waitress07, waitress16 with Bunny. (7-9) 6/25/2021: traded railgunuser04 for karate06 with Jiyu. (10) 6/25/2021: traded phone01, calligraphy04, sig_len for maxwell02, newmoon07, sig_shiranna with Shiranna. (11) 6/25/2021: traded mymother17 for logical17 with Kari. (12) 6/27/2021: traded confession13, negative07, princeps09, karlan03 for clover18, east04, hypnosis01, mypleasure02 with Lita. (13-16) 6/27/2021: traded pencils12 for mypleasure03 with Pia. (17) 6/28/2021: traded commandment07, essence07, golddemon03, haybales10, lemon09, lemon13, nine-tails08, shipwreck07, snowcountry03, sunless09, vitasexualis14, sig_len for logical06, logical07, logical08, logical10, logical11, logical14, logical18, logical20, unselfish13, wine06, wine17, kantoku15, sig_veth with Veth. (18-29) 6/29/2021: traded torikou02 for mypleasure05 with Shiranna (30) 6/29/2021: traded hardhat05, secondunit06 for mypleasure06, androphobia14 with Brittany. (31-32) 7/1/2021: traded parting03, ticktock05, sig_len for hitsuzen11, lovemaster14, sig_mini with Mini. (33-35) 7/2/2021: traded yellow crayon for green crayon with Pia. 7/2/2021: traded forgotten16, lightblue12, luin05, nova14 for fatal16, flameslash03, witchcraft03, witchcraft12 with Anna. (36-39) 7/3/2021: traded blankit01, dorothy12, dorothy17 for mypleasure08, goddess06, goddess12 with Bunny. (40-42) 7/3/2021: traded freikugel01, brigid01 for two blue crayons with Anna. (43-44) 7/3/2021: traded dressupdoll01 for mypleasure10 with Eko. (45) 7/4/2021: traded falling11 for gretel08 with Bunny. (46) 7/6/2021: traded photobomb14, ragingwave02, dynamaxband08, ice-cold10, imperial07, photos11, swarkii03, thecalm09, direct04, lovely19 for bleep09, bleep19, furniture07, furniture08, furniture10, furniture18, gretel15, gretel19, ahoki09, ahoki13 with Lex. (47-57) 7/6/2021: traded factor18, impatience04 for perceive01, perceive08 with A. (58-59) 7/6/2021: traded maidensblood02 for mypleasure07 with Raie. (60) 7/10/2021: traded kimurar02, red01 for shutin-19, lgbtmanga15 with Shiranna. (61-62) 7/11/2021: traded dustdevil19, peaky02, princeps16, vjonly12 for cantus19, bold02, bold03, lovemaster09 with Lex. (63-66) 7/11/2021: traded crabstache03, heels20, resurrection03 for uu17, successor14, reader06 with Bunny. (67-69) 7/11/2021: traded closeted14, daymare14, filthy11, thediva16 for newmoon03, shut-in14, face15, gram04 with Pia. (70-73) 7/12/2021: traded darkspikes17, gensokyo20, hachitendou13, persecution13, persecution14, pretty18 for breaker11, caution04, cendrillion09, dango10, gao16, furniture17 with Anna. (74-79) 7/14/2021: traded blackpearl18, distressing10 for hypnosis07, hypnosis19 with Veth. (80-81) 7/14/2021: traded kyouran08 for mypleasure09 with Jun. (82) 7/14/2021: traded cureace20 for lyst20 with Anna. (83) 7/14/2021: gifted carnivore10, pillar04, pillar12, waitress06, wine12 to Eko. 7/15/2021: traded bandaged17, bluedot08, chakram03, crocea17, damsel04, dedication17, dojomatron10, fireflies06, focused09, fuhrer05, gilly17, headshaker07, karlan13, malamute10, metalia17, narcolepsy17, nextinfo11, over900010, oxygen14, porsche14, protectu09, recipes11, resembool07, romancekiss18, sunshine05, sympathy15, taunts, teamyell15 for 72pillars05, 72pillars06, 72pillars07, 72pillars15, 72pillars16, 72pillars19, bracer20, chessboard16, devotee20, gretel13, gretel16, hitsuzen06, hitsuzen09, hitsuzen13, hitsuzen14, jewel14, marionette08, marionette11, marionette14, marionette15, marionette18, mysterious10, mysterious11, mysterious19, mysterious20, nanodesu04, petulant04, samsara07 with Bunny. (84-112) 7/19/2021: traded certaingiant04, certaingiant05, certaingiant08, drifting14, innkeeper03, redbook16, sickbed19, silverarm14, xxxx20 for demonchild17, demonchild18, fandead20, hearingaids17, hearingaids20, majority08, miraizura03, psychology01, urbanlegend09 with Mini. (113-121) 7/23/2021: traded alter-ego17, aphros02, karlan13, entalis19, rivercity06, ngrecords11, niflheim09, nine-tails01, noheart09, nyuudou10, oathbroather07, odd01, ontario03, oodachi03, oolong16, oriental16, outcast05, pachinko16, pameruku04, part-time14, part-timer08, parting07, party11, patriot17, pebble18, pencils11, perverted20, peshent17, pessimist18, pimpmyride02, pittoo08, planetes08, pointer06, pointer15, pokute06, polarbear02, position018, powerless06, pragmatist11, pranks09, promepolis06, puku09, pureenergy03, qtpi18, quinx14, raftfleet18, raising19, restrained18, reversed03, robotics04, romaantiqua08, roazn09, rush02, russia05, ryuuseigun14, sablier06, salamander06, san19, scalpels05, scilab06, scorching04, scorpio19, scythes13, seagull03, secondplace07, secondunit06, seeress02, semi-angel06, setz10, shakugan04, shalin14, sheikah14, shibuya16, shikaisen11, shinma15, shirosouzoku07, shorinji07, shotgunice16, shoujomanga05, sister10, snowman10, soup08, sparky19, speak11, squeaks18, studio11, sve03, sukumizu15, sweden03, swiftblade12, tachikaze11, tactician05, tart15, teasing09, tenbuhorin12, terminal17, theelite15, themist16, thepierrot04, thubmsup03, tomboyism02, top102, treehouse07, trickyfox20, trigger20, troy04, ubcs08, uguu13, unicolyon17, unqiue10, unlicensed05, unorthodox01, valentine09, varuga08, vicious16, virgin12, voodoo05, voyager02, water01, weblin10, western11, whitehorse02, wicked11, wildpunch04, windaquario12, wing13, witchhat01, wnba14, woodeneye06, world-class10, worldchain06, x-clips10, yami09 for aimo12, aimo16, april17, aptx486906, bigkitty17, bigpuppy07, bold15, bracer03, bracer09, breaker16, breaker20, chaldeas12, cherryboy03, cherryboy09, cherryboy17, conman04, contests07, contests16, coordinator01, crossedout09, crossedout20, cute08, dango04, dango12, dango19, demonchild05, demonchild12, deus18, devotee05, devotee09, doubt18, doubt19, dragonkick16, east06, east13, engaged01, engaged02, engaged13, engaged16, engaged17, engaged19, evolver08, evolver16, four09, galaxy01, galaxy06, galaxy09, gaps05, gaps07, gungnir09, gungnir14, gunner09, gunner15, hanagumi05, hitsuzen07, honeyflash06, hyper01, hyper20, indifferent01, indifferent06, karate03, karate04, keyhole08, kunoichi15, kunoichi15, kunoichi19, leeks08, leftover03, lipstick10, lipstick18, lyst02, lyst05, lyst12, maou03, maou05, maou07, maou12, melons02, mop15, mrpoliceman12, music03, music08, mysterious07, mysterious12, naivete02, naivete14, odango12, overclock05, overclock06, overclock11, overclock13, overclock16, particle02, particle10, particle19, perceive02, perceive16, perceive17, perception16, phones11, phones20, reader10, snail19, snake04, snake05, snake16, ssvd13, ssvd18, ssvd19, stapler19, strawberry04, strawberry10, strawberry14, strawberry15, strawberry20, successor04, successor07, teacher10, teacher20, telomeres07, telemores10, telomeres17, telomeres18, thief10, thief13, treachery01, treachery02, treachery08, tsukihime03, tsukihime08, tsukihime13, tsukihime14 with Aru. (122-255) 7/24/2021: traded dressupdoll08, dressupdoll13, bluedot19, crazyd06, garlemald11, heels02, ice12, luin17, neet04, waltz19 for bell05, bell19, bodyswap10, bofu20, cuation06, candidate20, jkd08, leftover14, leftover18, reader07 with Bunny. (256-266) 7/29/2021: traded mysterious12, diligent20 for mop13, mako20 with Berri. (267-268) 7/29/2021: gifted illomen02 to Berri. 7/30/2021: traded fraught01 for halfsister05 with Mini. (269) 7/30/2021: traded soot09 for halfsister06 with Pia. (270) 7/30/2021: traded 197802 for halfsister07 with Bunny. (271) 7/30/2021: traded sudarshan10 for halfsister08 with Lex. (272) 7/30/2021: traded fourseasons02 for halfsister10 with Lita. (273) 7/30/2021: traded 5 brown crayons for 5 orange crayons with Bunny. 7/30/2021: traded bloodwhip19, calypso12, commodore01, exorcist16, hydrangea08, pegasus16, piratelord14, punyaan01, tealeaves18 for apprehensive05, apprehensive09, apprehensive17, april16, fandead18, kikkeriki02, reset01, reset07, keyhole02 with Nea. (274-282) 7/30/2021: traded dreadspirits01, dreadspirits12, gaomi06, iceblue07, liaison06, thefool14, yoohoo18 for chainsaw17, clow18, gene02, gene20, hanagumi19, indecent13, itomori18 with Mini. (283-289) 7/30/2021: traded realestate03 for halfsister13 with Brittany. (290) 7/31/2021: traded torikou03, torikou12, torikou19 for halfsister11, millenia09, nekomimi13 with Shiranna. (290-292) 7/31/2021: traded dancecrew04 for halfsister14 with Lenga. (293) 8/1/2021: traded voidwalker08, ground16, aphros03 for reader16, gewehr03, agility01 with Bunny. (293-295) 8/1/2021: traded dreamsend03 for witchcraft02 with Mini. (296) 8/1/2021: traded archers15 for younggirls06 with Jackals. (297) 8/1/2021: traded emishi03, mindofgod16 for emptylot03, magatama05 with Bunny. (298-299) 8/1/2021: traded misguided14 for jukujun03 with Lita. (300) 8/1/2021 traded san15 for shulshagana12 with Nea. (301) 8/2/2021: traded gatling20, immature07 for gestatlt09, idols02 with Nea. (302-303) 8/4/2021: traded dreamsend20 for selfless02, selfless03 with Bunny. (304) 8/6/2021: traded sand08, inheritance01 for atlas02, hoenn03 with Francy. (305-306) 8/6/2021: traded argo06, argo08, argo12, proven14 for iwaihime15, iwaihime20, lovely01, lovely18 with Mini. (307-310) 8/7/2021: traded igaclan16, ironko10 for idol02, idol04 with Bunny. (311-312) 8/8/2021: traded negative17, empty15 for noblest02, envoy01 with KJ. (313-314) 8/8/2021: traded america14, sakejug02 for antique03, straing13 with KJ. (315-316) 8/8/2021: traded enigmas01, noda17 for evolution17, noblest12 with Bunny. (317-318) 8/8/2021: traded thepierrot14, youngest05 for trace05, yoohoo09 with Bunny. (319-320) 8/8/2021: traded alter-ego05, cuties03, dustdevil06, fraujade05, rondo08 for starmagic08, starmagic13, devotee01, kararagi05, moral05 with Lex. (321-325) 8/9/2021: traded avenge04, rational1 for acrophobia16, respect08 with KJ. (326-327) 8/11/2021: memorybug08, usagi08 for lugnica13, agility08 with Bunny. (328-329) 8/12/2021: traded bohemian20, tenebrae11 for bewitching01, therapy19 with Nea. (330-331) 8/13/2021: traded cureyell08 for chessboard17 with Anna. (332) 8/14/2021: distanced20, whitewhistle15 for spectator06, balance02 with chives. (333-334) 8/15/2021: gifted fanservice16, intent07, invader07, penguin06, thebest13 to Luna. 8/16/2021: traded carnivore16 for nanodesu16 with nu. (335) 8/17/2021: traded obedient04, olympia02, ora05 for cube10, items02, marionette06 with Mini. (336-338) 8/17/2021: traded ramune14, luin10 for canterlot12, loneliest06 with Pia. (339-340) 8/17/2021; traded slayer02 for 197811 with Lita. (341) 8/18/2021: traded headmaster09, regain10, swimmer08, tokunaga13, antique03, attract19, bride01, chakram02, chao16, cherryboy09, convey09, crush07, custard14, dear13, diamonds01, half-elf14, heartache02, holybell20, humanworld14, identities11, inventing06, koko20, kunoichi15, lotte20, lovegame12, mesmerizing06, noda04, prankster02, pristina17, ptrd-4115, sorceress10, strain13, thediva13, tsukihime03, yoohoo09 for agility15, bread13, idol18, logic18, barielle13, billiards09, billiards20, capturer17, cetus10, coffee09, consultant08, cranes04, fork18, gunner18, lorikeet04, loveme01, lovequeen14, lovequeen18, magatama05, maschera06, memory05, morning09, opening07, opening10, outlook10, outlook13, panda04, parallel13, rainbowshot10, ruby20, science07, science20, seconds14, showaidol03, zauber14 with Bunny. (342-376) 8/18/2021: traded dodge06, gymnast19, yourwind12 for paralysis08, paralysis12, paralysis17 with Bunny. (377-379) 8/18/2021: traded jerseys04, tablesalt16, ursula20, leiptr05, yoshiro09, tsukihime08, absentminded08 for f-bomb05, octal07, nfu01, onlyfriend06, curly02, raijinshuu13, lancelot06 with Mira. (380-386) 8/18/2021: traded curewhite07 for 7thheaven13 with Anna. (387) 8/19/2021: traded recharge01, jet08, hagyu20, stargaze01, stargaze14 for sprinter09, starmiya13, animussphere09, highstakes01, vow19 with chives. (388-392) 8/19/2021: traded akahebi13, chawanmushi13 for cspd09 and 197801 with Hijiri. (393-394) 8/19/2021: traded fraught12, prelati01, serment09, ulster05 for emergency10, earthmagic18, reset15, rhapsody13 with Mini. (395-398) 8/19/2021: traded exeter16 for gretel14 with Lex. (399) 8/20/2021: traded earthmagic18, retro15 for karate10, bread11 with Pia. (400-401) 8/20/2021: traded village01 for valentine18 with Mini. (402) 8/20/2021: traded proven17 for arthur16 with Mira. (403) 8/20/2021: traded ancients13, television08, bride02, disobedient05, diva16, fireball04, foresight18, gardevoirite17, handmaid17, iwaihime01, lovegame06, nodirection18, shigofumi04, yorha03 for canterlot09, fighter13, fragarach19, loligothic06, persocom11, posed13, posed19, posttown06, seventh01, seventh18, ssvd02, swingrock08, uncute15, wanted02 with Bunny. (404-417) 8/20/2021: traded dear18, dish19 for asunaro18, brown18 with Lita. (418-419) 8/20/2021: gifted avoiddeath09, blacksmith20, bloodelf04, brainburst17, brainburst19, catears03, chuu20, cryingdoll01, cuteness09, endoscopy13, flight11, gaps20, gewehr13, halberd06, halberd16, hayashibara09, heavenrend11, hollie08, hollie13, items14, kaiser05, maschera11, mascot15, mentalout15, mentor01, mentor18, miracles08, overclock14, phones02, phones10, phones17, record09, ruthless19, science18, seventh07, sister03, snowy08, solo20, telekinesis03, telekinesis10, telekinesis13, telekinesis17, telekinesis19, telekinesis20, yebisu01, yebisu02, yebisu03, yebisu06, yebisu07, yebisu09, yebisu15, yebisu17, heirs12 from Erin. 8/21/2021: traded archery16, athletic11, baton12, caring20, cerulean12, creati02, curbstomp19, curly02, djdragon05, flat16, loleus10, myhero19, paladyn03, paisleypark07, relic15, roses19, schism17, scissor04, saiyaman10, summons06, yasako19, tuna02 for artcollege11, bigkitty14, blackbelt02, blackbelt19, bread03, detective13, dorm06, kagutsuchi14, loner18, marionette02, pallettown11, relife10, roadroller05, saberkiller19, satchel05, selfless15, selfless17, shepherds03, shepherds05, shepherds09, sopheria10, sprinter17 with Bunny. (420-442) 8/22/2021: traded cuties06, cuties10, cuties14, diet04, drumset15, floriography18, frauplatin04, frauplatin05, frauplatin07, frausaphir10, lovely18, pessimistic01 for chessboard12, chessboard20, decalogue16, marionette09, marionette12, miracles12, sayo19, ssvd11, bold19, lovemaster11, barielle01, barielle06 with Lex. (443-454) 8/22/2021: traded curepeace01 for whispered07 with Anna. (455) 8/22/2021: traded warmonk09 for fighter03 with Teej. (456) 8/22/2021: traded avoiddeath05, aware09, balance08, bread14 with Anna. (457-460) 8/23/2021: traded guqin02, jyuuken14, kikaichu03, kira14, sakura05, taijutsu17, dancer17, heroic08, heroic15, kenjutsu12, spring13, red14, sugarcookie05, white07 for lugnica18, moral16, seventh03, seventh08, bread12, dango20, dorm07, sister01, sister03, aeons17, jkd03, keyhole06, west20, cspd16 with Lina. (461-474) 8/24/2021: traded dunksmash02, right01 for bigpuppy01, 72pillars20 with Shiranna. (475-476) 8/24/2021: traded intelligent18 for aware08 with Lenga. (477) 8/24/2021: traded chitchat20, chopsticks04, viewpoint12, sig_nea2 for twilight08, bigpuppy05, analysis09, sig_len with Nea. (478-481) 8/24/2021: traded consuming13, freespirited18, minidragon18, ruby05, worms11, tomboy10 for myhero08, chaste04, darkhunter09, flaming08, polite05, ursula20 with Mira. (482-487) 8/24/2021: traded extinct05, extinct06, failnaught12, holyman02, iceblue09, innkeeper02, innkeeper04, mirrorman13, ripple01, seawitch05, silentboy06, speedking20, tested13, thewary03, worms11, daein05 forbeautiful18, caliber10, cham08, chessboard13, cube09, deathmetal11, deny18, detective11, evolve10, experience06, fluffy03, fullmoon09, hoenn01, kunoichi06, leftover01, naivete02 with Mini. (488-503) 8/24/2021: traded lemonade03, cureecho03 for agility16, arsmagna08 with Anna. (504-505) 8/24/2021: traded heavenmaker07, mariko08, mariko16, paruru17, photoshoots09, trickclassic16 for 27yearsold04, cube07, onigauntlet10, analysis02, blackfang02, kaichou02 with Jen. (506-511) 8/24/2021: traded cyber2917, froppy13, galantine16, othardian15, petting08, ryudoji04, stealthhero01, yamato20, volcanic08, sig_len for clover05, cr-s0101 cranes14, cube05, cube20, decalogue07, detective16, face07, fandead10, sig_jackals with Jackals. (512-521) 8/24/2021: traded crystarium15, nidhogg09, asakura14, dall07, envoy19, hanahazama03, hydropump08, legacy10, miko14, onlyfriend06, pureheart20, septette02, sickness10 for aptx486909, burgers12, busty03, cube19, kunoichi07, launcher06, lyst07, monalisa02, rainbowshot06, selfiestick11, kaichou04, kaichou07, kikkeriki08 with Bunny. (522-534) 8/24/2021: traded ciel20, prankster14, runaway07, gunsmith18, greatknife15, rot08, ink03, kijin07, komatsu-san19, monkey02, venoshock16 for a03, a19, bass13, blackfang08, chroma19, chuu02, cocteau04, composing14, deadbeats01emptylot14, feel05 with Lina. (535-545) 8/24/2021: traded fraurubin20, bravior07, flaming08, lucis05, stormwall06, irontail18, sweatdrops11, sporty05, alleluia15, brawn16, byakko15, dialect18, emoticon06, fighting11, gadgeteer15, harvard14, idols02, kazus20, lessons09, magicclothes10, mygender06, occultism02, oranges03, ratatouille15, retakes13, safety10, shikamadooji08, spacey17, sprinting06, stupid04, vahruta11, witchqueen08, antecedent07, cannone01, cauldrons01, citro20, demonlord14, distrust14, familia03, flirty04, genuine20, horatio14, iwaihime01, leaves15, loveshower11 for tsunderes02, tsunderes05, catears16, karma17, particle03, particle06, particle18, strawberry02, strawberry06, strawberry12, telomeres03, telomeres04, telomeres14, barielle09, barielle11, barielle17, barielle19, moral14, ahoy01, ahoy11, fandead03, bigkitty07, april05, april14, leftover08, overclock06, seventh07, seventh11, snowy01, snowy04, snowy17, caution01, caution05, caution10, caution13, dango03, dango06, dango08, dango11, dango13, bread02, bread04, detective08, detective16, aptx486915 with Lex. (546-589) 8/25/2021: gifted purple crayon from Jen. 8/25/2021: traded mechapaniq06, pessimistic18, sweettime14, wavemaster20 for hysteria15, nullify18, thestray02, ainsophaur15 with Jen. (590-593) 8/25/2021: traded dreamdiary19, hanyue02, fishanima18, lockedin12, method12, naturally13, northstar16, renarouge10, teddybears15 for bunnygirl05, sacchin11, gawrsh12, jet01, ko-gal09, noda19, piercing03, thebetrayer01, wrist02 with Erin. (594-602) 8/25/2021: traded marshmallows05, marshmallows08, pygmy11 for four-leaf13, flight11, merchant01 with Eko. (603-605) 8/26/2021: traded gracidea08, strawberries03 for isekai01, 199302 with Nea. (606-607) 8/26/2021: traded toman12 for 199305 with Luna. (608) 8/26/2021: traded natsuo11 for bakeneko09 with Mira. (609) 8/26/2021: traded darknights02 for 199306 with Lita. (610) 8/26/2021: traded expressive02, isobeyan04, ontan05, goodfellow01 for 199303, april04, aqua11, barusu14 with Pia. (611-614) 8/26/2021: traded yellow crayon for 199315 with Eko. 8/26/2021: traded aircon03 for 199304 with Bunny. (615) 8/26/2021: traded cavernoftime04 for 199307 with Mira. (610) 8/26/2021: traded eats12, van13 for amberamour16, caliber14 with Bunny. (611-612) 8/26/2021: traded poetic03 for 199309 with Hijiri. (613) 8/28/2021: traded kakinoki08, kakinoki10, colonel18 for charmkiss15, discourse11, tradename16 with Shiranna (614-616) 8/28/2021 traded acchan04, arrangement02 for lordalberion19, spirit03 with Jen. (617-618) 8/28/2021: traded chupa19, clearbrook18, companion07, cosmoses14, engetsu02, gallop13, gatekeeper10, greatardent12, gunsniper10, harness17, hoihoi07, homicidal09, insei09, intelligent01, itako19, kore13, left16, monocle04, mortal03, necromancy11, noda19, obstinate11, ringmaster04, shouryuuha14, silverknight06, smoker17, sunset18, vikingtiger13, zoidmodels09, zoidwarrior13, sig_len for engaged20, newmoon08, animusphere16, aqua05, attack04, battlebond04, blacksmith08, bofu17, brainburst08, cendrillon11, convey04, flight05, hoenn10, indecent08, kagutsuchi19, logic06, loveme08, onigauntlet06, opening16, paralysis09, yakisobapan18, deadbeats18, noshadow09, 7thheaven03, uncouth14, dragonkick02, sawashirom07, sawashirom11, sawashirom17, pillow18, sig_kayori with Kayori. (619-649) 8/26/2021: traded ochinchin14 for sayo02 with Pia. (650) 8/26/2021: traded eternallife17, fuee20, hellscreen20, knife-throw06, kyous03, nodirection18, rockidol19, rockidol20, tottori11 for ssvd06, west10, west16, 72pillars02, 72pillars11, decalogue17, decalogue19, sayo09, successor03 with Veth. (651-659) 8/29/2021: traded bunary13, ko-gal09 for maxwell03, kensei17 with Pia. (660-661) 8/29/2021: traded megaten17 for west11 with Mira. (662) 8/29/2021: traded bicker07, bicker09, endings08, fullmetal14, grandkid03 for crossword19, crossword20, endless09, majority01, anti-social13 with Lina. (663-667) 8/29/2021: traded ishidaa15, yaoi03, yaoi15 for brahmastra02, cids05, composing01 with Kayori. (668-670) 8/30/2021: traded 3 green crayons for 3 blue crayons with Jen. 9/1/2021: traded slumberin08 for isekai14 with Mira. (671) 9/1/2021: traded fromuruk01, labyrinthos19, liberation15, omamori03, westalis05 for burgers02, darkside04, klutz20, misty05, musicians10 with Mini. (672-676) 9/1/2021: traded akatsubaki06, lovecupid14 for aquarimms08, isekai13 with Jen. 9/1/2021: gifted monalisa18 from Jen. 9/1/2021: traded torule17 for escalation09 with Berriah. (677) 9/1/2021: traded nekotalia02, authors04, cybercrimes08 for aeons18, crossraven10, abraxas04 with Pia. (678-680) 9/1/2021: traded bloom02, boss17, curly07, cursed04, deny18, hacker06, lazing02, mohawk14, moongold19, oronir20, pickpocket14, requests02, tune10, windmill19, yasutsuna19, asterisk15, horizons07, ran17, twintails16, yard09, horizons02 for dojima01, dojima09, dojima14, dojima20, boke04, beneath10, dorm01, gynoid04, gynoid19, jankenpon20, musical08, opening09, paralysis10, snail09, stapler16, twinblade13, vaniville10, karma16, tristar01, orphanage13, mama16 with Bunny. (681-699) 9/1/2021: gifted medjed02, mischief18, regal01, serpent07, zzgundam01 with Arc. 9/2/2021: traded rorona16 for offerings06 with Berriah. (700) 9/2/2021: traded tomboy07, tomboy12 for miracles19, karate09 with Mira. (701-702) 9/2/2021: traded pinkdiamond13, skydress19 for detective10, karma02 with Jen. (703-704) 9/2/2021: traded lyfjaberg01, lyfjaberg16, midgard17, skye14 for bakeneko02, noshadow08, paprika05, rabbit04 with Shannon. (705-708) 9/2/2021: traded bathhouse19, fenrir14 for west13, jkd11 with Lenga (709-710) 9/3/2021: traded ocarina11 for bell11 with Mira. (711) 9/3/2021: traded siialaluce02, from uruk08 for abandon11, valentine14 with Jackals. (712-713) 9/3/2021: traded gekidasa20, doubts12 for anego12, seventh19 with Shiranna. (714-715) 9/3/2021: traded waitress07 for donutpond01 with Eko. (716) 9/3/2021: tradedshakti10 for bold18 with Anna. (717) 9/3/2021: traded x-rayvision05, sinbad15 for action09, bass09 with Nea. (718-719) 9/3/2021: traded 7 gray crayons for 7 green crayons with Mira. 9/3/2021: traded 20million08, triangles07 for alternate06, calamityhawk08 with Mira. (720-721) 9/4/2021: traded fluteplay11 for onigiri13 with Arc. (722) 9/4/2021: traded swap11, abroad20, virgo09 for villagerb14, youtuber06, outsider17 with Cami. (723-725) 9/4/2021: traded firecrackets02, qliphoth17 for aqua12, arsmagna11 with Jackals. (726-727) 9/4/2021: traded rely07, floral12, sleepy19, physics02, maelstorm20, vulnerable03 for attract20, pixie19, breaker15, nico-nii15, murgleis04, holylance11 with Pia. (728-733) 9/4/2021: traded sweettime20 for angel18 with Jen. (734) 9/4/2021: traded fabricated10, neutral02, neutral12, submit01 for alternate10, devotee15, dullahan03, kensei04 with Andie. (735-738) 9/4/2021: traded chimeraking01, mysteries07, corruption05, corruption13, psyncer20 for wine02, graveryl06, rhapsody17, mariko06, astral03 with Crystal. (739-743) 9/4/2021: traded lightning15 for offerings03 with Arc. (744) 9/5/2021: traded minerva03, cureetoile20, darkblood18, houdai07, lamine20, occultism04, occultism08, pink07, samba15, scavenge02, tied14 for all-seeing20, apocrypha17, allmeans17, artcollege12, cendrillon07, charmkiss06, chouki05, chui11, eponassong15, flirt04, flameslash05 with Anna. (745-754) 9/5/2021: traded museum01, redroom16, auracite03, baalbuster17, beer13, projected02, swimmer14, youngmen19 for sinnoh14, oar11, kunoichi04, osuwari03, launcher04, dullahan06 with Bunny. (755-763) 9/5/2021: traded seven yellow crayons for seven gray crayons for Pia. 9/5/2021: traded addiction03, allmate14, amara07, arc15, assignment10, boxingring06, wine02 for cooking08, flirty03, gallant20, greengirl19, kyuudou01, lifestyle05, silly13 with Eko. (764-770) 9/5/2021: traded 92fs08, bathhouse04, blackharu09, gloucester15 for newmoon05, karma09, viina05, devotee03 with Lina. (771-774) 9/5/2021: traded earthdress02, chase16, comet17, earthdress20, memoryheart03, merm4id19, pinkpearl19 for decalogue05, gaps06, calamityhawk19, chouki19, distress01, onigauntlet04, tama-ya11 with Jen. (775-781) 9/6/2021: traded 3 brown crayons, 3 yellow crayons for 6 red crayons with Bunny. 9/6/2021: traded thistle20, gorgeous14, haircolor19, shadowgift07, rejection02 for childactor08, 198813, gameselect13, whispered02, appearance10 with Mira. (782-786) 9/6/2021: gifted arbalest13, blackbox09, exia09, mafty10, meister02 to Ace. 9/6/2021: traded junkdealer17, junkdealer18 for escalation05, offerings10 with Ace. (787-788) 9/6/2021: gifted agi15, piercing03, tobiume01, mcwisdom04, illdoc19 to Coco. 9/6/2021: gifted beilang16, box08, darkness11, feles17, knives01 to Hana. 9/6/2021: traded childlike13, direction07 for briar01, flirt13 with Berriah. (789-790) 9/7/2021: traded clash07, crazyd07, daemons06, east-khan20, harvest01, hierophant09, lifeenergy19, mayfly15, mirrorman17, musubi13, papiyas06, puppetry02, sensitive08, siegfried06, silentboy02, traps01, usagi15, vasavi11, winglet19, wry19 for grafeisen03, grafeisen09, tail08, tsunderes15, university03, isshu04, rival18, kanahana18, planetes15, peach01, watermelon01, rebellion16, lines02, loyal12, noshadow10, noshadow16, mop19, seemly04, seemly10, villagerb09 with Mini. (791-810) 9/7/2021: received gigantamax03 from Berriah. 9/7/2021: received escalation19, kizuatohime04, lookalike05, offerings20, pi-su06 from Hana. 9/7/2021: traded roids06, roids17, roro03 for arsmagna05, kikkeriki15, magician10 with Arc. (811-813) 9/7/2021: received murgleis15 from Arc. 9/7/2021: traded doghouse06, goddesses12, identity10, laughwithme19, lion15, saiko04 for deus16, dullahan07, police12, rival06, scanning05, unison07 with Mira. (814-819) 9/8/2021: traded saru17, screams15, seagod19, shenhu20, tuner15 for therapy02, stone-face04, sheeh15, meanclean03, fireorb19 with Coco. (820-824) 9/8/2021: traded starrysky10, starrysky12 for klutz09, shortcuts18 with Jen. (825-826) 9/8/2021: traded unimpressed03, gross05 for successor08, vermouth06 with Shiranna. (827-828) 9/8/2021: traded iceheart13, minions17, amulet14, bandana02, beside08, cavernoftime10, comet17, debt06, emperor14, envoy01, eyerolls19, f-bomb05, gallant20, heat16, moogle01, tiger02, tiger12 for noshadow06, mobile09, valentine01, vermouth16, vermouth08, detectives04, maybirthday14, sisters10, watermelon05, isshu08, mythicals08, focused09, corn12, impatient02, kaiser11, cryingdoll07, attack11 with Bunny. (829-845) 9/8/2021: traded chase16, impulsive07, janken18, kimono04, naive01, pokepuffs12, postergirl15, skyjack02, relic19, keystone08 for uryu07, 27yearsold12, cham20, judicial17, tsukihime04, plunder03, gunner19, lordalberion06, maxwell10, bold13 with Nea. (846-855) 9/8/2021: traded mushrooms07 for airgetlam06 with Aru. (856) 9/8/2021: traded writers10, haircolor14 for idolclub17, boke17 with Mira. (857-858) 9/8/2021: traded badboy04, mattsun03 for fandead12, blackfang09 with Cami. (859-860) 9/8/2021: traded routes13 for luginica17 with Arc. (861) 9/8/2021: black12, keystone08 for misty01, shrine01 with Lina. (862-863) 9/8/2021: traded pretty06, auracite03, complete06, memoryloss20, reception19, memoryloss12 for realestate07, experience16, snake18, selfiestick12, onipoison16, sekit09 with Eko. (864-869) 9/8/2021: traded onelife18 for escalation07 with fluffy. (870) 9/9/2021: traded two brown crayons for one gray, one yellow with Coco. 9/10/2021: gifted 197818, viatrix01, viatrix19 to Yama. 9/10/2021: traded kekkai12, ayakashi11, impatience04, krita-yuga05 for escalation08, allmeans05, radiantwaltz10, modsoul09 with Erin. (871-874) 9/11/2021: traded swimmer08, swimmer14 for alternate17, halberd03 with Yama. (875-876) 9/11/2021: gifted hikari07, honoo15 to Yama. 9/11/2021: traded mariko06 for visitor07 with Jen. (877) 9/11/2021: traded knowledge20, sincerity03, manners02 for offerings02, lookalike01, kizuatohime03 with Yama. (878-880) 9/12/2021: traded fairytales17, two green crayons for lancers01, blue crayon, brown crayon with Arc. (881) 9/12/2021: traded dogoopencil04, goahead09, goahead07, omajinai04, pavo01 for haughty01, ruby18, canterlot16, ditz06, substitute06 with Lita. (882-886) 9/12/2021: traded yuusha04, lamine15 for seventh02, sopheria20 with Coco. (887-890) 9/13/2021: traded figments11, splat18, pinkpearl19, breaking10 for circuits09, irises18, kizuatohime20, kawasumia02 with Eko. (891-894) 9/13/2021: traded strength14, sugitan10, senkaimon01, m1604, callous15, dynames13, greennoa19, emotionless14 for stapler11, drawing15, fashion09, notafraid01, university20, lyrics01, pharle05, vows17 with Arc. (895-902) 9/13/2021: traded reversing18 for arsmagna14 with Jackals. (903) 9/14/2021: traded reality10, quick07, magicaloid4410 for anego16, machinegun03, feasting13 with Bunny. (904-906) 9/14/2021: traded forward17, native17, creampuff02 for aetheryte12, barielle09, bracer19 with Anna. (907-909) 9/14/2021: traded resurrection20, orca10, infatuated10 for graveryl16, heat16, moogle01 with Bunny. (910-912) 9/14/2021: traded micanga17, decay16 for droopy03, embrace01 with KJ. (913-914) 9/14/2021: traded intelligent07, phater17, thebetrayer01, thebetrayer02, kataomoi16 for deities02, swords06, isekai20, whispered05, whispered13 with Lenga. (915-919) 9/14/2021: traded decadence05, decadence09, decadence20, questioning14, rodeo-star11, surveying10, wiseking13, y2kbug14 for curescarlet17, curescarlet18, graveryl01, hollie07, hollie17, hollie19, maxwell04, maxwell07 with Veth. (920-927) 9/14/2021: traded dream16, enforcer15, isolation17, veludo02, exorcism15, reptile04, lastation12 for bigbanana17, crossedout18, exsphere13, focusing02, focusing03, focusing04, bumbling07 with Mira. (928-935) 9/14/2021: traded balloons02, compulsive14, foolslove01, naoko11, orca10, puppetry08, towndoctor12, westalis09 for honor19, seductress20, ikazuchi08, volleyball20, octbirthday15, watergun15, johto15, taunts03 with Mini. (936-943) 9/14/2021: traded baalbuster17, forte01, ladyluck17 for opposite17, isuppose18, painpeko19 with Michelle. (944-946) 9/14/2021: traded minister17, naru20, baptismrite08, decay16 for jkd09, newmoon10, shut-in09, shut-in11, isekai17 with Jackals. (947-950) 9/15/2021: traded muga01, muga19 for flash19, pi-su01 with Shiranna. (951-952) 9/15/2021: traded teardown18, writers20 for viola03, wield12 with Mira. (953-954) 9/15/2021: traded etoile05, youngmen19, tri-edge01, tokunaga13, umbrella11, uchuu12, hiroya18, guardian18, orion10, ovaltower20, polite05, polluted09, chickenwing10, throwdown18, trigger09, soul-getter02, swallow03, telepathy08, witchelny01, headmaster09, howling10, karasuno05, warlord14, sakuras12 for amber03, ancestor20, flirt09, brahmastra14, chouki12, feminist12, funyarinpa13, hearingaids06, irises10, lorikeet19, sprinter13, forehead20, miraizura09, sexy03, greed02, insignia14, kizuatohime13, primeval17, rosettaarrow12, ruby05, sayo07, sohcahtoa13, stapler08, vermouth07 with Mira. (955-978) 9/15/2021: traded breaking10, creaming07, diet13, entrance05, espgame20, eyeball02, eyeball14, gravityflip12, msr04, postgrad14, present14, sairaag07, sliceoflife14, sliceoflife18, soot17, strongzero07, tokyoelite09, uavirus16 for halberd11, halberd17, radiantwaltz16, odoru17, odoru19, twilight12, hanagumi13, excluded01, lorelei04, hunt01, uncouth07, uncouth10, gaps18, goldsmith14, tough17, amber13, appearance02, aqua15 with Aru. (979-996) 9/15/2021: traded eyerolls18, eyerolls19, humandrug10, vivace14, warrior20 for code18, discourse07, shinai16, dressupdoll15, pharle16 with Pia. (997-1001) 9/15/2021: traded volleyball14, vow01, lotus04, ko03 for wahoo02, merchant06, goldsaucer03, flirt20 with Coco. (1002-1006) 9/15/2021: traded certaingiant07, france02, gallant20 for melons10, mentalout01, sakuras05 with Shannon. (1007-1009) 9/15/2021: traded hades01, pilebunker06, weapon03, trigger09, zweiteturm09 for insignia01, keyhole20, protective19, temsik01, villagerb15 with Archangel. (1010-1014) 9/15/2021: traded reshbal02, meganes19, namimori12 for gene18, ghosts02, danderes18 with Shiranna. (1015-1017) 9/16/2021: traded 2-313, 20million15, abh03, aburaage15, abuse15, academia20 for loveme16, kilenc14, briar17, daffodil08, spectator10, anagenesis03 with Veth. (1018-1023) 9/16/2021: traded childlike14, greenpearl03, lovecupid17 for absence06, aetheryte10, caution15 with Jen. (1024-1026) 9/16/2021: traded territorial04, cureberry04, teacup13, candybullet10, cureetoile05, cureetoile18, crossroads15, recharge16, roserade02, social07, sos04, sos20, sugarheart07, tabiidol19, whitewhistle10, yuri09, purple14 for jkd04, kunoichi16, angel17, four-leaf16, astronomy18, caution03, halberd13, pistol07, pistol18, tenshi04, galaxy15, pixie06, seconds16, lyrics10, cybele08, knights13, kittydoor16 with chives. (1027-1044) 9/16/2021: traded gadget10, heal08, megadeus02, merm4id19, mypartner18, noir03, survey06 for newmoon09, west15, uryu17, droopy01, droopy02, droopy12, kantoku17 with Lex. (1045-1051) 9/17/2021: traded crossroads15, lamine04 for mindless05, innuendos19 with Jen. (1052-1053) 9/17/2021: traded obsolete14, demonhunter18 for swallow03, theend04 with Mira. (1054-1055) 9/17/2021: traded longnose20, unemotional20, vitalcheck08 for cspd15, ultimateshot02, viy07 with Archangel. (1056-1058) 9/17/2021: ad-lib11 for noblest07 with Shiranna. (1059) 9/18/2021: traded danes03, tiger12 for seafaring06, scanning05 with Pia. (1060-1061) 9/20/2021: traded lapucelle13, capitalism15, ancients20, playbirdie07, psychiatrist12, swordswoman07, tiger02, traumatized15, josei06, capitalism15, writers10 for anagenesis09, briar13, cranes01, exsphere03, favoring04, reset03, mooncell20, pokedex07, trainer17 with Bunny. (1062-1070) 9/20/2021: traded gaedearg07, banshees18, blackhawks07, lightofgod18, nfu01, sanction13, sigmund20, solomon15, tennights03 for greed15, tamarin18, zauber16, uncute08, relife12, shepherds15, chouki17, arsmagna19, deus10 with Shiranna. (1071-1079) 9/20/2021: traded fiercecorpse15, ghouls20, ninjaclub08, ninjaclub17, playbirdie07, vow03, vow19 for bewitching14, hyperion11, magiccrests11, gameselect13, calamityhawk05, k-cup05, k-cup09 with teej. (1080-1086) 9/21/2021: traded odachi12, logout06, mangaka07, phosphate06, wizard15 for bluecorp01, loneliest14, grandmas18, kantoku02, bigkitty04 with Lex. (1087-1091) 9/21/2021: traded hawks03, sakurait04, quality10 for younggirls10, younggirls14, younggirls16 with Arc. (1092-1094) 9/21/2021: traded doodlesuit09, loveletter19, punches11 for dragonkick19, castle09, impatient01 with Coco. (1095-1097) 9/22/2021: traded amazon08, caliburn15, crowds04, playbirdie07, tearcut03, valm09, writers10, acuity16, acutiy20, adolescent01, aerosmith14, ambrosia15, amborsia17, caeli06, cuation16, denial03, dice03, dice16, ghostalley08, herditary07, phan-site02, princess01 for cube03, kanegasaki07, gene11, mentalout10, odango03, scanning18, supersecret19, tail11, twinblade01, disobedient19, mediating17, ducttape04, endless14, pi-su02, fandead10, metsuhadoken01, mikakoshi14, portalstone17, modsoul13, toxin08, orphanage04, posh16 with Mini. (1098-1119) 9/23/2021: traded musicians17, 58yearsold05, strategic06, matriarch18, minteye05, mikan05, vault20 for anne18, chaldeas19, grondement01, littlekitty14, submissive18, timberowl14, toxin14 with Lenga. (1120-1127) 9/23/2021: traded helping10, housecat04, housecat08, housecat10, housecat18, wield12 for all-seeing15, outsider11, apocrypha11, composing13, goldsmith11, goldsmith13 with Andie. (1128-1133) 9/23/2021: traded pitcher11, wildgeese15 for chroma13, sacchin13 with sisi. (1134-1135) 9/23/2021: traded scalpel12 for murgleis02 with Lita. (1136) 9/23/2021: traded elocution15 for xrosheart07 with nu. (1137) 9/23/2021: traded thunderer14 for duplicate12 with Mira. (1138) 9/23/2021: traded regain15, expelled07, universe02, iceheart17, 00702, america14, balance01, devotion01, doubledash04 for forklift20, thief19, kawasumia08, nonary12, magicaltoy07, nude12, kweh13, wild11 with Bunny. (1139-1147) 9/23/2021: traded bookstacks16 for install01 with Mini. (1148) 9/23/2021: traded ballpoint05 for install04 with Coco. (1149) 9/23/2021: traded paired01, paired02 for install14, install02 with Bunny. (1150-1151) 9/23/2021: traded jadecanary09 for install06 with Jen. (1152) 9/23/2021: traded embrasque02 for install07 with Hana. (1153) 9/23/2021: traded staff11 for install15 with Lenga. (1154) 9/23/2021: traded emoticons09 for install09 with fluffy. (1155) 9/23/2021: traded delorean09 for install10 with Lina. (1156) 9/23/2021: traded abnormal13 for install05 with Arc. (1157) 9/23/2021: traded dearest03 for install03 with Eko. (1158) 9/23/2021: traded four brown and four purple crayons for eight gray crayons with Bunny. 9/24/2021: traded mcwisdom16 for lookalike12 with Coco. (1159) 9/24/2021: traded madking18 for chessboard14 with Mini. (1160) 9/24/2021: traded chalice13, yuri09, unlucky20, swordswoman07, redroom16, shattered05, hereditary07, electricity13, bastion13 for ninelives04, monalisa05, demihuman01, ploys03, engaged04, psychology17, rival14, contests01, arsene04 with Eko. (1161-1168) 9/24/2021: traded ortonik16, mooncell16 for hocchan04, isekai16 with Mira. (1169-1170) 9/24/2021: traded splat17, darkhunter09 for coordinator19, goldsmith01 with Eko. (1171-1172) 9/25/2021: traded futureking08 for install08 with Jackals. (1173) 9/25/2021: traded fairgame13, freeshooter11, housecat11, capitalism15 for musicstart02, tuna05, witchcraft06, yellow14 with Andie. (1174-1177) 9/25/2021: traded ancients20, nimtype04, octavinelle07, tokyoelite07, wire10, delivers10, leeclan04, revival02 for odette15, gungnir15, twinblade09, yakisobapan02, invaded08, absence06, capturer19, aisu17 with Aru. (1178-1185) 9/26/2021: traded hagyu15, identities20, mob17, pie13, recharge17, reversing03, rosette08, spicyageha03, spoons13 for youtuber20, mobile14, hyperion05, hyperion09, clover09, police03, orphanage09, sawashirom13 with chives. (1186-1194) 9/26/2021: traded matoi20, rabbits01 for strawberry07, miracles09 with Lex. (1195-1196) 9/26/2021: traded conartist03, fieldops11, truth06, witch19, whirlwind13 for droopy20, scythe02, engaged10, yaiba18, magun01 with Sarah. (1197-1201) 9/27/2021: traded cureetoile18, curepeach07, curestar15, mepo04 for seductress17, xrosheart19, selece12, seemly12 with Anna. (1202-1205) 9/27/2021: traded habu13 for obnoxious15 with Shiranna. (1206) 9/28/2021: traded vow03, vow19, goggles09, lovegame04 for bakeneko04, deadbeats14, mooncell07, talk18 with Sarah. (1207-1210) 9/28/2021: traded frustrated16, goldie13, goldie16, sexyguilty02 for apprehensive14, melons04, soot08, wanted14 with Lita. (1211-1214) 9/28/2021: traded granddream12, voltswitch11 for clamp13, four-leaf12 with Nea. (1215-1216) 9/28/2021: traded homunculi06, rollout06, thunderbolt18, thunderbolt20, moonblast13 for summoner04, launcher14, ninelives09, sister12, aprbirthday20 with Bunny. (1217-1221) 9/28/2021: traded lastrites04, maddog10, purification04, dedicated16, finalturn05, distant14, doujinshi12, drifter03, benevolent04, bentenmaru06, motorcycle03, pentahorn01, cavernoftime10 for pi-su08, pi-su16, courtesan01, paprika10, supersecret14, dullahan10, tezcatlipoca07, tezcatlipoca12, octava08, odango07, peach10, redchild06, tenshi11 with Mira. (1222-1234) 9/29/2021: traded seven yellow crayons and five orange crayons for twelve red crayons with Lex. 9/29/2021: traded colorred02, bangs17 for chroma04, scythe03 with Lenga. (1235-1236) 9/29/2021: traded lyrical06 for atlas17 with Jen. (1237) 9/29/2021: traded onmyoji13, beastman15, lovehime07, lovehime19 for sleeping05, feel18, action10, april12 with KJ. (1238-1241) 9/29/2021: traded capitalism08, universe02, villagers11, quality10, sisters17 for marbirthday07, marbirthday17, sepbirthday13, silhouettes09, younggirls20 with Bunny. (1242-1246) 9/29/2021: traded lyrical18 for bunnygirl13 with Lex. (1247) 9/29/2021: traded lamine05 for aqua20 with nu. (1248) 9/30/2021: traded dragonblood11, seeds10, pinkpearl19 for trace13, paralysis05, maxwell08 with Coco. (1249-1251) 9/30/2021: traded white06, isekai13 for four-leaf07, lovemaster01 with chives. (1252-1253) 9/30/2021: traded brigid06, mikorin01 for crystalsaber07, paired18 with Coco. (1254-1255)